
Welcome to a sacred space where the whispers of pleasure beckon you to reclaim your rightful throne. Bid farewell to the shadows of pain and step into the juicy embrace of pleasure.

Within these digital walls, you'll discover the transformative power of pleasure and the sacred dance of sensation that awaits your embrace.

You, radiant goddess, were called here for a reason—to awaken to the truth that pleasure is your birthright, and your body is the vessel through which this divine energy flows.

Embrace your destiny, for the journey begins now.

say yes!

Program Details

This program is for you if you experience pain with any kind of vaginal penetration.  That may include pain with sex, pain with use of a tampon or menstrual cup, or pain with a Pap smear.  You may not even be able to perform these activities at all....and are not alone!  

Reading this is something that may make you a little (or a lot) uncomfortable and I hear you.  But this isn't something that has to be ignored.  Change is possible and if you are open to learning how to turn your pain into pleasure then keep reading...

This online course will be a
6 month reservoir because babe, these things take time.  We will meet approximately every 3 weeks for a total of 8 live sessions via zoom, with the replays made available.  You may not feel comfortable showing up live, although I highly encourage it, but I am honouring you and meeting you where you're at.  I'm allowing time between our calls for integration and deeper transformation.  We can't expect to learn something and then have it immediately change our lives.  We need time to play and explore each concept. 

This program is also not about passively sitting back and absorbing the material.  It's about applying what you've learned with various practices that will have you embodying the concepts, reprogramming your body, and creating real change.

When we are experience something that doesn't feel good to us, such as pain with sex,
there is always a gift in your experience.  You may not be aware of that gift yet but I assure you that having pain free, pleasurable sex will open you up to receive a deeper connection with yourself and with your partner.  

yes, I want this!

yes, I want this!

My Story

There was a young woman in a red dress, who looked across the dance floor in her high school gymnasium and that was the moment they locked eyes.  They were magnetized to one another and could feel the pull.

Eventually they got married, had kids and later in their relationship she got shingles...on her genitals. 😮

This led to having pain with sex, which started to negatively impact her relationship with her husband.

Then that woman began a journey that healed her pain and was able to transmute that pain and turn it into pleasure.

That woman is me. 

“I don't have to words to express my gratitude.  I legit called my mom after and raved about you."

-anonymous client

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